I learnt the power in the word 'Feminine '
At the age of nine
My lips have tasted weakness
It has the taste of sour grapes
Leaving even men like beings devoid of scrotal sacs
If hell lived in humans
It would pitch its tent in the navel of the soul
Where battered souls whimper
Yet it's sound effect is as calm as a body of water
Your soul was a house with many windows
Peering through them filled my intestines with masticated food
My body failing me as I fell weightless like a metal pin
I ate of the meal you did not feed me
Lump after lump of sorrow and pain
Hoping it will take away the rush of tears in your veins
I stirred the inferno with my foot
Not minding that I 'd see the scar
For every scar
A lesson learnt
For every whimper
I gained another strand of strength
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