The previous track was all beats and no lyrics, it could possibly have been the reason for my headache till it gave way for "Say something, I 'm giving up on you" by The Great world and Christina Aguilera.
By the day, Nigerian citizens give up on Nigeria. Even some of our brothers and sisters in 'Obodo oyibo' have vowed never to return. The exchange rate of the dollar to naira keeps increasing like the pace of a snake under a green grass, incessant insurgent attacks cripples national security,daily corrupt activities of government officials fill the dailies,violence rules the street and seems our economy has gone AWOL (Away. Without Leave).
I have been to a lot of seminars on youths taking over Nigeria as future leaders,bla bla bla. I have seen a lot of symposiums on creating leadership awareness among Nigerian youths but they are not effective.
Obviously we, the Nigerian youths have lost our compasses and don't know the direction to go but I believe there are people who still have great ideas.
Please what is the way forward for the Nigerian youths and how can they contribute to the reawakening of Nigeria ?
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